
By downloading and/or using the Software and/or the Summary statistics (below) you agree to irrevocably accept the full terms of this LICENCE.

The details on how to install and how to run, as well as the downloadable links are available through these two github repositories:

Download GUIDANCE software (HPC)
Download GUIDANCE software (Cloud)

Dataset example
This dataset was prepared based on de-identified data from 1000 Genomes downloaded from The phenotypes "case" and "control" were randomly generated among the samples and do not correspond to any real phenotype. The purpose of this dataset is only to demonstrate that GUIDANCE runs properly, and therefore this dataset is not valid for any other purpose.

Download a dataset example for running GUIDANCE
Summary statistics
Summary statistics of association results under 5 different models of inheritance with 22 different conditions analyzed in the GERA cohort.
Download biorxiv paper
The impact of non-additive genetic associations on age-related complex diseases